
Seattle Eminent Domain Lawyer | Appraisal Problems Continue to Exist

It's funny how some things just always stay the same. I was out meeting a potential client a few days ago (I meet most, if not all, of my clients at the site where the property is being taken - there is no better way to see exactly what is going on) and we got to talking about his property and the offer of just compensation by the government, and it dawned on me that government appraisals are usually just not very good.

In this instance, the appraisal was several years old, was called a construction easement though in reality they were taking all access to the abutting road, and failed to account for the fact that access to the property could be cut off for several years! I won't tell you what the amount of the offer of just compensation was, but believe me when I tell you it very nearly didn't even take into account the actual amount of the construction easement.

I see it all the time, and I saw it when I worked for the government as their eminent domain attorney - the appraisers just aren't given a fair shot at appraising the property, and the government just doesn't care. I think the government weighs the cost of doing the appraisals correctly against doing the way the currently do, and they realize to do it right would cost a lot more time and money (and result in more money paid to property owners). In all my time as a Seattle eminent domain attorney, I have not yet once seen an offer of just compensation or an appraisal that erred on the side of the landowner.

Part of the problem, I think, is that people just give the government the benefit of the doubt too much, or feel bad for questioning what they are doing. But in reality they are being taken advantage of because they, as landowners, are basically giving the government money for free. And I'm not saying this because I help landowners out. I see it everyday, and saw it every day when working for the government.

And I can't repeat this enough - even if you don't call us, call a Seattle eminent domain lawyer or Washington eminent domain lawyer today and at least have them look at the offer of just compensation and appraisal of your property. I say even if you don't call us because at least then you'll have some piece of mind that you are being paid what you deserve (although I do feel we are one of the best out there at evaluating property taken by condemnation).

Be the example I just gave. Be the landowner that got help for your eminent domain problems. In the end, you'll be glad you did.

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